Bloody Bill Anderson: The Real Story

Join us as we discover The Real Story of Bloody Bill Anderson, the Facts behind the sensationalized Fiction of pulp magazines and dime novels. Follow as we blaze a trail across the Civil War Torn Heartland of America; along the way, investigating the Mystery Myth of a treasure hunter conspiracy theorist from a now defunct Yahoo Group who swears the entire world of Academia, including Google, is out to silence him.

Ride along with us as we document the True History and examine the mentality of Outlaw Impersonators and the conspiracy theorists who make a living promoting them. We will be exploring this claim and many more in our upcoming Documentary Film Series " So You Wannabe An Outlaw: American Outlaw Impersonators Unmasked ".

Welcome to our Journey.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sticks and Stones

" Three things cannot long stay hidden: 

the sun, the moon and the Truth. " 

~ Buddha

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes a "Waist" is just a Waist, and Codes are merely a puzzle game played in the minds of suggestible men.
