Bloody Bill Anderson: The Real Story

Join us as we discover The Real Story of Bloody Bill Anderson, the Facts behind the sensationalized Fiction of pulp magazines and dime novels. Follow as we blaze a trail across the Civil War Torn Heartland of America; along the way, investigating the Mystery Myth of a treasure hunter conspiracy theorist from a now defunct Yahoo Group who swears the entire world of Academia, including Google, is out to silence him.

Ride along with us as we document the True History and examine the mentality of Outlaw Impersonators and the conspiracy theorists who make a living promoting them. We will be exploring this claim and many more in our upcoming Documentary Film Series " So You Wannabe An Outlaw: American Outlaw Impersonators Unmasked ".

Welcome to our Journey.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Stay Tuned ....


  1. This will be interesting, can't wait. Will you be coming through Oklahoma?

  2. Thank you for visiting our site, and yes, Oklahoma is definitely on Our Itinerary. We have several places of interest we will be researching in that area and will be conducting interviews as well. Stay tuned by following us by email at the link at the top right, and be sure to use our Contact form located on the bottom of our Home Page for further inquiries and more information. Welcome to The Real Story!

  3. cool stuff you should do jesse james everybody and their brother claims to be related

  4. Jesse James and associated Impostors will be featured as well in upcoming segments. In fact, there are rumors of recent DNA matches regarding a J. Frank Dalton descendant that we will be investigating. We are particularly interested in the forensics of the DNA samples, and which markers were used to make any determination. It is our understanding it is a Female descendant making the claim. Should be an intriguing investigation. Stick around, and welcome to The Real Story!


    1. Thank you, Mr. Ellison. An interesting take on the official exhumation results, but hearsay that has been previously dismissed by officials is still hearsay, and adds nothing to either side of the debate. The conclusion of the Official Report, that based on DNA evidence alone the tests results can neither Confirm nor Deny that the remains were those of Jesse James, is a valid conclusion. When combined with other evidence gathered at the site, and historical references, one must conclude that there is no reason to doubt that the remains are indeed those of the deceased outlaw. Pretty straightforward.

  6. So when will your group be in Brownwood, Texas?

    1. Why would we need to go to Brownwood? We are following Evidence, not wishful thinking, and the Evidence is being found in Missouri and Kansas.
